The article is based on Donald Trump SWOT analysis, which can be found in the Library, in CayenneApps SWOT application. “The wall got 10 feet taller,” said Donald Trump, just after winning the primaries in South Carolina. What he meant was the wall on the US southern border which he wants to build to stop illegal […]
The SWOT analysis of Richard Branson’s Virgin Group

The article is based on Virgin Group SWOT analysis, which can be found in the Library, in CayenneApps SWOT application. Years ago I heard an unbelievable story about a young entrepreneur who wanted to buy an island, but didn’t have enough money to do so. The man was so desperate to impress the girl that he […]
Why being optimist alone is not enough for your business?

A few days ago I was talking with one of my friends who works for a large Internet company. A few months ago his team conducted a one-day workshop to find the most promising features which they could deliver to their users next year. So, he explained, we did everything by the book. They met […]
When does your productivity awake?

Imagine you are in a galaxy far, far away. You are an officer of the Galactic Empire, but you also have a second identity. You are an undercover Jedi Knight, and the Jedi Council has given you the task to destroy the Death Star — the Empire’s ultimate weapon, which is about to obliterate an […]
How to improve your business agility

In today’s increasingly volatile business environment, there is a disease which spreads among companies. Small and large businesses which do not have the ability to constantly deliver value and adapt, prosper well for a while, but with time start becoming more and more sluggish. Then, suddenly, a once successful company is faced with a choice […]
Toyota - SWOT analysis

The article is based on Toyota SWOT analysis, which can be found in the Library, in CayenneApps SWOT application. Toyota Motor Corporation was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1937 as a spinoff from his father’s company, Toyota Industries, in order to manufacture automobiles. Almost 78 years later, in 2015, the company has more than 50 factories […]
Quick ways to attract new customers to your startup

Between 80 and 90 percent of new startups fail. Polls indicate that the main reason that they fail is that they are making products that no one wants. But, honestly I don’t agree. In the market, there are many good frameworks that help us to figure out what the right features are to build. One […]