Today, the average person changes jobs ten to fifteen times during his or her career. Many workers spend five years or less in each job, so they devote more time and energy transitioning from one job to another. Research shows that millennials change jobs even more frequently. In 2015, LinkedIn prepared a survey in which […]
Why being optimist alone is not enough for your business?

A few days ago I was talking with one of my friends who works for a large Internet company. A few months ago his team conducted a one-day workshop to find the most promising features which they could deliver to their users next year. So, he explained, we did everything by the book. They met […]
When does your productivity awake?

Imagine you are in a galaxy far, far away. You are an officer of the Galactic Empire, but you also have a second identity. You are an undercover Jedi Knight, and the Jedi Council has given you the task to destroy the Death Star — the Empire’s ultimate weapon, which is about to obliterate an […]