The article is based on Slack – SWOT analysis, which can be found in the Library, in CayenneApps SWOT application. No matter what kind of company you think of, there are some people in it. The bigger the organization, the more complex it becomes, and the more difficult it is to communicate effectively. More people work on more tasks […]
SWOT analysis example for a restaurant

Previously we’ve shown you how to conduct a SWOT analysis. Part of the analysis that many of us struggle with is the identification of strengths and weaknesses of their company as well as the opportunities and threats of their environment. In this article, I will guide you through the process of the identification of essential […]
What Is a SWOT/TOWS Analysis? Step By Step Guide

SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats is a strategic planning tool that will help you find out what the best strategy for your business, or any other project, is. Although not everybody knows how to perform the analysis on their own, it is a well known and popular tool. First, you look at your organization […]
New features in the SWOT analysis tool

We are excited (even our cat is excited! you can find him also below;-)) to tell you about two new features available in the CayenneApps SWOT application. We know how difficult it is to find out what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your projects. For this reason, we added helpful suggestions to […]
UBER - SWOT analysis - 2017

The article is based on Uber 2017 - SWOT analysis, which can be found in the Library, in CayenneApps SWOT application. It has been two years since we published our first SWOT Analysis of Uber — a ride-sharing company. Back then, Uber was a phenomenon — one of the brightest stars of the new “sharing economy.” […]
Pfizer - SWOT analysis
The article is based on Pfizer - SWOT analysis, which can be found in the Library, in CayenneApps SWOT application. Some people say that the pharmaceutical industry is the root of all evil. Others believe it saves lives. No matter how you deal with these controversies, drug companies play an important role in the contemporary world. […]
5 Dysfunctions of a Team: The Lack of Commitment

“I hate to say I told you so, but have you all seen what customers are saying about our new ads? We should have chosen a different theme; the current campaign is a disaster!”, shouted Joe, one of the marketers on the new product team. A few people in the room sighed. “He is such […]
Top 5 Things To Do Before You Change Jobs
Today, the average person changes jobs ten to fifteen times during his or her career. Many workers spend five years or less in each job, so they devote more time and energy transitioning from one job to another. Research shows that millennials change jobs even more frequently. In 2015, LinkedIn prepared a survey in which […]