Have you ever wondered why some meetings are engaging but others lack even the tiniest bit of energy? Why some teams thrive in creativity while others are stagnant for months if not years? Why some companies are the technological vanguard of the world while others just can’t reach a certain level of innovation and fall […]
team building
5 dysfunctions of a team: Absence of Trust
“We have a more experienced and talented executive team than any of our competitors. We have more cash than they do. We have better core technology. And we have a more powerful board of directors. Yet in spite of all that, we are behind two of our competitors in terms of both revenue and customer […]
Team building workshops with a SWOT analysis
Last year I was attending a conference on management and processes optimization. One of the speakers presented an interesting result of the research conducted in the number of companies. During the study, researchers asked the managers and employees about how they evaluated the maturity and implementation of different processes in their organizations. The speaker displayed […]
Leadership: is it possible to do it in humane way?
Recently, I watched the movie Whiplash starring JK Simmons, the winner of this year Academy Award for best supporting actor. I was absolutely shocked by the way that the fiercely demanding conservatory music teacher motivated his students. His goal was absolutely clear: to get more and more from them. I have begun to wonder: is […]
How to save ourselves from unproductive meetings
Recently, I was sitting with my friends in a restaurant and we were having a short discussion about our work. My friends complained a lot about their calendars being crammed with meetings. Their participation in these meetings consumed a vast amount of their time, and consequently they had to take care of important work-related issues […]
How to perform a good agile retrospective
One of the pillars of today’s businesses is change. Small startups struggle to find a stable customer niche; large companies want to deliver things faster. The business environment is also changing, and we are trying hard to keep moving forward. But because of the hectic pace of the business world, very often we fail to […]
What are the best tools that you can use to keep yourself motivated?

We all have a list of tasks (personal or work related) that we need to finish, but we often postpone them to give us a little more time and avoid the work that we really should be doing. For example, I remember when I was a student, and the final exam date was approaching quickly, and there was no […]