In today’s increasingly volatile business environment, there is a disease which spreads among companies. Small and large businesses which do not have the ability to constantly deliver value and adapt, prosper well for a while, but with time start becoming more and more sluggish. Then, suddenly, a once successful company is faced with a choice […]
Quick ways to attract new customers to your startup

Between 80 and 90 percent of new startups fail. Polls indicate that the main reason that they fail is that they are making products that no one wants. But, honestly I don’t agree. In the market, there are many good frameworks that help us to figure out what the right features are to build. One […]
4 Tips for Successful Projects

Most organizations have experienced projects that did not end on time, were over budget, changed in scope over time, or at the end did not bring the expected value. Undoubtedly, all projects look simpler in a Powerpoint or Excel files produced by managers, but in reality, on a daily basis, the situation is much more […]
How to conduct experiments in the validated learning process
The validated learning (VL) process is one of the pillars of the lean startup movement, initiated by Eric Ries. This process, based on the customer validation concept developed by Steve Blank, is derived from the lean manufacturing philosophy. Its framework is based on the assumption that we need to first validate our basic ideas with […]
3 ingredients of an effective business plan
Approximately 543,000 new businesses get started each month. Eight out of ten of them will fail within the first 18 months. Faced with these numbers which show that the possibility of failure is extremely high, preparing oneself for the challenges of new business and the continuous monitoring of its progress is an absolute necessity. The […]
3 lessons learned when developing a new product with the Minimum Viable Product
We released the Goals Module in our application suite no more than four weeks ago, and in this time almost 460 goals have been created by our users. This is great news, because it means that the few months that we spent working on the first release was definitely time well spent. The first release of Goals […]
How to perform a good agile retrospective
One of the pillars of today’s businesses is change. Small startups struggle to find a stable customer niche; large companies want to deliver things faster. The business environment is also changing, and we are trying hard to keep moving forward. But because of the hectic pace of the business world, very often we fail to […]
Many faces of Minimum Viable Product. Which type of MVP is best for you?

Minimum Viable Product has become one of the ‘should-know’ terms in the startup and product development community. Moreover, it is becoming more and more popular among not only so-called “garage startups” but also among large enterprise organizations, which adapt and use various ideas from the agile and lean movement. Interestingly, despite the fact that “everyone” is familiar […]